
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

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Russia bans the Bitcoin : " The ruble is the only official currency "

Russia bans the Bitcoin : " The ruble is the only official currency " Bitcoin Bitcoin virtual currency created in 2008. The Bitcoin could be used to launder money or finance terrorism. The Government pointed out that introducing any other currency or money substitutes is illegal. The Russian Central Bank is working to tighten regulation and prevent crimes committed with the use of ' pseudo - coin ' .

The Russian authorities have warned against the use of saying that Bitcoin virtual currency could be used to launder money or finance terrorism and illegal. " The ruble is the only official currency ," said the Attorney General . " Anonymous payment systems and cyber currencies have gained considerable circulation are money substitutes and can not be used by individuals or legal entities ," insisted the prosecutor. The ruble is the only oficialAsimismo currency, the Government pointed out that the ruble is the only official currency so enter any other currency or money substitutes is illegal. The Russian Central Bank in January and had an impact on transactions with bitcoins are " highly speculative " and involving "a great risk of losing value." The agency is working with other government institutions to tighten regulation and prevent crimes committed with the use of ' pseudo - coin ' . Also, the use of Bitcoin in the United States, where it is much more widespread in Russia, is going intense scrutiny by the authorities after discovering illegal activity thanks to digital currency.

We all know that all this is bullshit LOL


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